Meet our leadership
Say hello to the leadership team at Poky First Church. Do you have questions for the lead team at Poky First? Contact us by clicking here.
Starr Reardon - Pastor
Starr Reardon has been our pastor for three years. She is always positive and trying to move the church in the right direction. Starr is married to her partner, Cross.

Amber Wright - Administrator
Amber Wright started working for Poky First Church in 2017. Amber serves as the office administrator at Poky First. Jenny is married to her husband, Greydon and has two children, Madison and Carsen. Amber also serves on the Worship Committee and the Technology Committe

Council - 2022
The Church Council is the board for the church. They make many of the day to day decisions and handle many of the finances. This year council consists of people
Moderator: Greydon Wright
Vice Moderator: Vacant
Treasurer: Norman Wright
Clerk: Mike Rowe
Member at large: Tera Tracy
Member at large: Grant Thomas
Member at large: Amber Wright